Time To Write

Awhile back, at a writers’ conference, a young woman raised her hand during a panel and asked, “I just recently graduated from college and it’s hard for me to find time to write now. How can we be paid for our writing?”

One of the panelists made a noise that sounded like a cross between a bus door opening and a dog coughing. “No one is going to give you money to write,” they said. “I mean, get a job.”
Continue reading “Time To Write”

Ask Dana: My 12-year-old daughter wants to take your 10-week Screenwriting I class. That’s okay, right?

As far as I’m concerned, most kids are way smarter than adults.

Take Allie Webber. At the age of 6 she invented Robie the Robot, a robot doll made out of recycled materials. At 12, she invented cold-sensor gloves that let wearers know when their fingers were close to frost bite. Continue reading “Ask Dana: My 12-year-old daughter wants to take your 10-week Screenwriting I class. That’s okay, right?”

Ask Dana: My New Year’s Resolution is to Write. But I Don’t Have a Project in Mind. Is That Okay?

January is a busy time in the ‘wellness’ space.

Gyms and yoga studios are at their most crowded.

There is an appreciable uptick in meditation app downloads, Weight Watchers memberships, and Nicorette sales.

And Gotham classes are full to the brim.

And we love being part of your intentions for the year to come. Continue reading “Ask Dana: My New Year’s Resolution is to Write. But I Don’t Have a Project in Mind. Is That Okay?”