Dance It All Away

The next time you’re thinking about giving up, think instead of Yvonne Puckett.

A few years back, Yvonne, a dancer, wanted to perform in the Los Angeles Civic Light Opera’s production of The King and I.

At the time, her father-in-law was Louis Adrian, conductor of LACLO’s orchestra. When she told him she planned to audition, he looked appalled. “You?” he said. “In the King and I? No way.” Continue reading “Dance It All Away”

Not Too Late

You watched or read Annie Proulx’s recent speech at the National Book Awards, didn’t you?

If you didn’t, you really must. Her talk is at once urgent and quirky and eloquent and moving, like her novels. And the most important part might be her opening line:

Although this award is for lifetime achievement, I didn’t start writing until I was 58. Continue reading “Not Too Late”

Writing Away Shame

The other day, one of my students described this beautiful memory for me, about the heating coil to the hotplate her parents cooked on. She recalled the cool, smooth feel of the coil in her hand, how she nestled it into curled grooves when screwing it into the plate, how when it burned out, her mom would send her to buy a new one at the hardware store for a quarter. Continue reading “Writing Away Shame”