Writing takes courage.
Living takes courage.
We are getting a master class in courage
right now from the people of Ukraine.
Alex Steele
President, Gotham Writers Workshop
A monthly letter from Gotham’s president, Alexander Steele (writing advice and other musings)
Writing takes courage.
Living takes courage.
We are getting a master class in courage
right now from the people of Ukraine.
Alex Steele
President, Gotham Writers Workshop
Perhaps you’ve heard about Gotham’s BIPOC scholarships. We do four of them each year, awarding three or more scholarships in each category:
College Admission Essay Coaching
Applications: March 1 – May 15
Manuscript to Market (a boost to publishing a book)
Applications: June 1 – August 15
Creative Writing
Applications: September 1 – November 15
Continue reading “A Glimpse at Our Scholarships”
Benjamin Franklin once opined: Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.
To me, this speaks to the intersection of writing and life. The more fully you dive into life, the more pearls you’ll fetch up to tell us about.
Franklin fits the bill. He ran newspapers and published an annual best-selling pamphlet, Poor Richard’s Almanack—while also making a name for himself as a statesman, scientist, and inventor of such items as the lightning rod, bifocals, and swim fins.
Continue reading “The Colors of Life”