The Weird Edit

This week: A street sculpture popped up in NYC featuring a guillotine and a (real) dead rat. Judges booted 40 camels out of a beauty pageant in Saudi Arabia because their owners juiced them with Botox. And some 20-somethings created a viral satirical conspiracy theory that Birds Aren’t Real, but not everyone thinks they’re kidding.
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The Shadow Self

Note to writers: This letter contains spoilers of the film Fatal Attraction. Be forewarned!

Back when I was single, I accidentally scared off a few dates by mentioning that I sympathized with the character of Alex in the film Fatal Attraction. 

Hear me out.

You may recall — Alex (played by Glenn Close) has a weekend fling with her married co-worker, Dan (Michael Douglas), and when Dan spurns her for his wife, Alex loses it. She tries to win Dan back (one appeal involves a suicide attempt), and when she realizes he’s gone for good, she destroys his car, kidnaps his daughter, and in the movie’s most iconic scene, boils the family’s pet bunny.
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