Shortly after the Super Bowl, I read a fascinating essay that said, if all of the commercials broadcast during the game act as a snapshot of the American psyche, this year’s crop says we’re a nation of emotionless commitment-phobes, kinda chauvinistic, and having trouble pooping. Continue reading “Commercial Lessons”
A Habit is Born
Many of my writer friends and students are starting the new year with big plans for change. Some want to write more. Some want to send work out for publication more often. Some are determined to finish a project that’s been eluding them. Continue reading “A Habit is Born”
Revising the Rules
It’s either the end of civilization, or a great day for the English Language, depending on who you ask. Last week, the Washington Post officially revised its style guide to allow writers to use the word “they” as a singular pronoun. Continue reading “Revising the Rules”