Some of us remember phone books—a collection of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of every household in the area, delivered once a year. A terrible waste of paper, but there was something compelling about having information on everyone in your city or town right there in one place, often a very thick binding of paper. Continue reading “Hello, Stranger”
Can I take the same class again and again?
There’s a quote I love:
No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man. – Heraclitus Continue reading “Can I take the same class again and again?”
Changing Tense
Recently, my Memoir Writing II class workshopped a story written mostly in past tense, until the final scene, when the writer shifted her verb tense from past to present. We agreed unanimously—we loved the switch. It made an already arresting moment even more breathtaking. Continue reading “Changing Tense”