The Living and the Dead

Only one fictional character has been given an obituary in the New York Times, on the front page no less. Can you guess whom?

Hercule Poirot, the brilliant Belgian detective invented by Agatha Christie. The obituary appeared after the posthumous release of Curtain, a novel in which Poirot dies. Poirot, of course, lives on through his many stories, but perhaps real people who have passed can live on too.  Continue reading “The Living and the Dead”


“What’s the first thing that happened to your writing practice when lockdown started?” my friend Maria asked me.

“Same as what happened to everyone else. Everything closed.”

Gotham’s office closed. All the coffee shops closed. My writing space closed. My writers group stopped meeting at a bright, bustling diner on 14th Street. Because it’s closed.

Continue reading “Re-imagining”