The Spirit-Stirring Drum

Oh, the drama we’re seeing on our national stage these days! Power, prejudice, rage, sexual assault, duplicity, espionage, wild fires, hurricanes, bombs, shootings, a country cleft in twain. I’d like to see what Shakespeare or John le Carré or Octavia Butler could do with it.

Or you.

If you’re a citizen of the U.S., please vote on Tuesday, November 6. Add your voice to the making of history.   Continue reading “The Spirit-Stirring Drum”

Writing About Science

Awhile back, I wrote a very short essay that was mostly about wintertime and my mother, but also included a scientific reference. When it was about to be published, I felt it necessary to confirm that science with sources from Cal Tech,, and NASA.

What was the highly technical data I was checking so obsessively? That Earth’s orbit around the sun is elliptical. Continue reading “Writing About Science”