Intimate or Epic

The internet has been abuzz with pieces about Jane Austen (commemorating her early death 200 years ago) and Game of Thrones (which, after a long wait, launched its seventh season). They’re both important story “franchises.” Jane Austen is every other person’s favorite writer, and time has only enhanced her appeal. Game of Thrones is HBO’s most popular show ever, enthralling audiences across the globe. Continue reading “Intimate or Epic”

The Right Word

“How do ‎you do it?  How do writers write those beautiful, original lines?  So original they stay with you, change you, and make you see yourself and the world differently?”

Lately, my friend and student Refugia has been revising her work, raking through her sentences and weeding out clichès, clunkers, passive voice, and words that just don’t feel right. Continue reading “The Right Word”