Scenes of Winter

Recently a sensational story was making tracks on the internet: a Russian researcher on a long stay in Antarctica stabbed a colleague because he was giving away the endings to books. Turns out, this version of events may not be completely accurate, but it reminds me of Gotham’s tagline: Stories. Everywhere. (You can see it here, on our Winter brochure.)

There’s a story everywhere you look, and everyone has a right to tell his or her story. That’s really what Gotham is all about.

That brochure cover has me thinking about snow, in stories. Continue reading “Scenes of Winter”

The Spirit-Stirring Drum

Oh, the drama we’re seeing on our national stage these days! Power, prejudice, rage, sexual assault, duplicity, espionage, wild fires, hurricanes, bombs, shootings, a country cleft in twain. I’d like to see what Shakespeare or John le Carré or Octavia Butler could do with it.

Or you.

If you’re a citizen of the U.S., please vote on Tuesday, November 6. Add your voice to the making of history.   Continue reading “The Spirit-Stirring Drum”

The Wisdom Of Writers

We often turn to writers to glean wisdom about the world. J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye has been a kind of bible to many troubled teens, as Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind has been to women struggling to be strong, or Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking has been to people suffering grief.

So, when you write, do you need to be wise? Continue reading “The Wisdom Of Writers”