Ask Dana: My New Year’s Resolution is to Write. But I Don’t Have a Project in Mind. Is That Okay?

January is a busy time in the ‘wellness’ space.

Gyms and yoga studios are at their most crowded.

There is an appreciable uptick in meditation app downloads, Weight Watchers memberships, and Nicorette sales.

And Gotham classes are full to the brim.

And we love being part of your intentions for the year to come. Continue reading “Ask Dana: My New Year’s Resolution is to Write. But I Don’t Have a Project in Mind. Is That Okay?”

Scenes of Winter

Recently a sensational story was making tracks on the internet: a Russian researcher on a long stay in Antarctica stabbed a colleague because he was giving away the endings to books. Turns out, this version of events may not be completely accurate, but it reminds me of Gotham’s tagline: Stories. Everywhere. (You can see it here, on our Winter brochure.)

There’s a story everywhere you look, and everyone has a right to tell his or her story. That’s really what Gotham is all about.

That brochure cover has me thinking about snow, in stories. Continue reading “Scenes of Winter”