The photo here caught my eye, a repost on the Gotham Instagram. It’s a hand-drawn map of the USA, with five names listed in five far-flung states on the map—“Me, Patrick, Rachel, Barbara, Anna.” Also written on the map: “My cabin mates and I met last fall taking an online writing class.” And then, covering much of the Midwest: the name and logo of Gotham Writers Workshop. Continue reading “Writing With Friends”
If I have an idea for a TV Pilot, do I have to start with TV Writing I?
How many times have you tuned in to watch the first episode of a much-touted new TV show, only to say to yourself or anyone who’ll listen:
“Are they kidding?????” Continue reading “If I have an idea for a TV Pilot, do I have to start with TV Writing I?”
Four Reasons You Might Be Mis-Identifying Your Inciting Incident
Ever notice how beaches have “runs” of marine life washing ashore? One week it’s conch shells, the next it’s jellyfish. Lately, I’ve experienced a run of my own — friends, colleagues, students, all struggling to pinpoint their inciting incident.
Continue reading “Four Reasons You Might Be Mis-Identifying Your Inciting Incident”