Outside Yourself

Last week, social media exploded when a literary journal published an essay about transgender people. Social media explodes about something every week, but in this case, it was justified.

The essay, in the Antioch Review, was crammed with opinions guaranteed (maybe even intended) to offend. (It was also chock full of mistakes and logical fallacies, so many that I can’t wait to use it as an example of mistakes to avoid in my Essay & Opinion Writing classes.) Continue reading “Outside Yourself”

We’re In Business

Two weeks ago, I found myself at a WeWork location in downtown Manhattan. It’s one of these co-working spaces, where people rent offices and gain access to communal areas, kitchens, conference rooms, and a mailing address. It’s just the thing for many start-ups or small businesses. You don’t have to deal with the hassles of leases and furniture, and you get to join an interesting, enterprising community. Continue reading “We’re In Business”